Prebid Summit: Future-Proofing the Open Web

October 21, 2024

After a full day at the Prebid Summit, industry leaders sparked rich discussions about the challenges we face, the new ideas emerging, and the opportunities ahead. It was a productive day for the programmatic ecosystem, reinforcing the need to support common goals and entities—like Prebid—that help drive us forward collectively.

Overarching Theme: More is Better

While the discussions offered varied insights, one clear theme emerged: more is better. More collective input, more experimentation, more identity options, more curation, more standardization—and ultimately, more revenue. Here’s a recap:

  • Collaboration: The solution lies in a collective approach. More voices, shared input, and resources lead to breakthroughs.
  • Innovation: To achieve better tech and privacy compliance, creativity and testing are key. More experimentation fuels cutting-edge developments.
  • Standardization: Staying on top of evolving and inconsistent regulations is tough. More uniform policies and best practices will strengthen the open web and drive compliance. While it’s unclear who can lead this charge, a united, proactive industry effort can fix this “hot mess” and give us more influence.
  • Control: As addressability signals diminish, identity becomes crucial. Prebid’s framework give publishers control over their data while ensuring privacy compliance, enabling them to adapt in an anonymous digital landscape. This reinforces the need for industry-wide collaboration.

The Answers Are Already Here

We may not have all the answers, but the tools we need are within reach:

  • Technology and Infrastructure: Open-source solutions and regulatory frameworks provide the foundation for success.
  • Common Interests: A unified vision for a privacy-first, compliant web ensures a sustainable future for all.

Challenges Create Opportunities

Challenges fuel innovation, pushing the industry toward new formats, cutting-edge solutions, and fresh ideas that drive the next evolution of the programmatic ecosystem.


To stay competitive, we must continually improve. Diverse perspectives and collaboration help elevate quality and deliver premium content, ensuring we all remain ahead in an ever-changing landscape. Let’s continue the conversation, keep pushing forward, and drive innovation until we connect again.  


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