It’s encouraging that Q3 is actually here and we have successfully weathered the quarantine, ad spend drop, and CPM declines.  Overall ad spend for 2020 will be down but as we noted before the news is less bleak for digital media.  eMarketer has revised its US digital ad spend forecast and all things considered, the news isn’t bad.

US Digital Ad Spend Update

After double-digit growth for the last several years, the pandemic has brought that to a screeching halt. eMarketer expects just a 1.7% increase in US digital ad investment this year and the previous expectation was +17%.   Instead of an incremental $22 billion in advertiser spending going to digital, eMarketer now forecasts $2.2 billion in additional investments this year.  Display and video, though, are expected to continue to rise and expectation for 2021 is robust growth.

digital display forecast

Adapex CPM Trends Week of June 22

Good news from Adapex this week as we see CPMs hit about where they were YAG and Mobile CPMs are actually higher.  Looking at WoW we see Finance CPMs improved by 10.2%, Health CPMs by 6.3% and Travel CPMs by 8.7%.

CPM Analysis 6_26


Q3 is Finally Here

If you haven’t taken the time to make sure your site is optimized it’s never too late.  It’s worth repeating that getting your Header Bidding solution in order will bring rewards.  Adapex is seeing exciting results from our Header Bidder wrapper and can’t stress the importance of implementing the right solution for your site. 

Also, we recommend that your Privacy Policy is updated and you are  CCPA compliant.   We’re always here to help.  Please reach out if you would like a copy of our analysis of CMP solutions or would like to discuss ways to make sure your site is well-positioned to maximize your revenues. 


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