Its Friday, and it’s May! We’re here with our weekly look at what’s happening with ad spend and CPMs.  Given that there isn’t too much new news, our report this week will be brief.

Discussions about ad spend have some bright spots, though this quarter is still expected to see the biggest hit.  Index Exchange  is reporting improvements in many categories as it appears that brands that paused campaigns to adjust creative may be re-entering the market.  The largest source of optimism is in the Retail category which is considered to be recovered.

Marketers Coming Back to The Market

This chart takes a look at the total number of unique advertisers in each category and we see that more buyers have come back over the course of the month in several categories.  Travel and Entertainment are the exceptions.  But we can look to these trend lines to see that many Marketers have successfully pivoted their messages and have started to re-invest.

ad trends and advertisers in market

Adapex CPM Trends Week of April 27

Finally, some good news this week…overall CPM uptick trends across all metrics.  Just hope this will continue into the new month.  Overall, MoM, News emerges the winner with a +8%, while other verticals are still under 20-38%.  Better news, WoW, overall is  +13%.  And we’re moving in the right direction.

CPM Analysis5

Be Patient, Change the Focus

The overlying message in this week’s webinars and reports is to hang tight and be patient.  Focus on re-stabilizing and not growth.  Clean up your monetization departments and strategies. In every low market, there are opportunities for those that improve.  This will end and, in the immediate, there are opportunities for innovation and improvement.

Some tips help maximize monetization potential:

  • Review your header bidder set-up.  Are you maximizing the benefits of hybrid header bidding
  • Are your adops technologies and techniques state-of-the-art?
  • Are you maximizing performance with custom header bidding solutions?
  • Audit your ads.txt pages.  Make sure your partners are properly listed so your buyers can get to your inventory through all possible paths.
  • Clean Pipes. Make sure the most important parameters are being passed appropriately. 
  • Set timeouts dynamically.  Adds value and reduces bid loss.
  • Sellers.json and Supply Chain Object Compliance. Buyers want transparency more than ever.

Adapex will be working closely with our publisher partners to do everything we can to maximize your revenues. We’ll continue to follow reports on industry trends and advertising spending, follow us on LinkedIn for our latest updates.


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