All publishers eagerly await the arrival of Q4.  Increased demand, higher CPMs, and a revenue boost to carry you through a quiet Q1.  But if your Q4 revenues didn’t soar, don’t worry there are things you can do to increase your revenue now and over the course of the year.  Let’s take a look at some ways to drive growth for your site every quarter.

The Forecast is Bright

Led by an unprecedented expansion in digital advertising, total worldwide ad spending set a record for growth this past year. In 2021, traditional ad, digital ad, and total ad spending all posted their highest rates of increase since 2011 (eMarketer).  Though the rate of increase will slow, there are still plenty of opportunities to increase your share in a growing market.

Total Ad Spend

All About the Tech

The slower months in Q1 are a good time to make sure your website is optimized for performance and to maximize revenue.  During periods of lighter demand, it’s all about your technology.  To get the best results, you need a comprehensive technology solution with performance-focused solutions.  

You need a hybrid header bidding solution to maximize competition and fill.  Test and analyze all the features in your wrapper to see what delivers the best results, improves site performance, and increases viewability.  Take advantage of the real-time data provided in your on-page console to make ongoing optimizations.  

Test, Analyze, and Test Again:

If you don’t have a technology solution that gives you access to analytics, header bidding, an on-page console, and an identity connector, you need one.  Adapex’s m4 Tech Suite™ is a highly sophisticated but easily implemented, plug-and-play product that gives you access to everything you need to maximize your revenue.  

Prioritize User Experience

One of the best ways to ensure a healthy revenue forecast in any season is to make sure your user is having a good experience.  Quality content, page speed, privacy measures…are all ways to make sure your user is enjoying your site, viewing lots of pages, and spending lots of time.  In addition to building trust, it will improve your RPM and RPS, which will grow your revenue.

Outside of your content, a lot of this goes back to having the right technology.  Use available features to improve core web vitals and other measurements of your site performance.  

Evolving Technologies

CTV and in-app present huge opportunities for publishers in 2022.  There are finally true header bidding solutions available for both CTV and In-app.  After months of beta testing, Adapex is excited to see that our partners are seeing revenue lifts of 30-200% through the implementation of a solid header bidding solution. 

Life in Post Cookie World

The slower months of Q1 are a good time to plan for the year ahead. A study from AdWeek Branded showed that 70% of publishers surveyed “indicated that the impending death of third-party cookies would be beneficial to their business.”  This is consistent with our outlook and conversations with our partners, big shifts = big opportunities. 

These opportunities are tied to the points outlined above.  The value of a trusted relationship with your user, and your technology. Getting your house in order now will lead to big payoffs down the line.  If you haven’t already, focus on your first-party data strategy, and increasing the value of this data.  Make sure to have solutions in place to identify audiences that are privacy-compliant and cookie-free. 

2022 opportunities

We’re Feeling ‘22

Adapex can be the innovative partner you need to take your business to the next level. Whether you need our revolutionary technology, experienced adops professionals, or expert developers, Adapex can help.  Our team of professionals has the experience that can help you improve your monetization and accelerate revenues in the new year.  While the programmatic ecosystem is shifting, Adapex is a partner you rely on to help you make the right decisions for your site.  Let’s work together in 2022 to make it the best year yet.

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