CPM seasonality

CPM Seasonality: Tips to Maximize Revenue No Matter What Time of Year

What is CPM Seasonality? Advertising campaigns are planned quarterly, with the greatest spend planned around when consumers are also spending.  Basically this boils down to Q4, with inflated holiday budgets, delivering highest demand and CPMs, and Q1 bringing the leanest.  But there are plenty of ups and downs and opportunities throughout the year that publishers…


Sellers.json and OpenRTB SupplyChain Object:  What Now!

Last April, IAB Tech Lab released two new technical specs intended to increase trust in the supply chain, specifically on the supply side.  With transparency being the latest programmatic buzzword, here are new tools aimed at bringing more transparency to the buying process. Like ads.txt for the Buy Side Having released the fraud tools ads.txt  and…


Will Most Consumers Opt Out of Data Collection Under CCPA?

https://adexchanger.com/privacy/will-most-consumers-opt-out-of-data-collection-under-ccpa/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTldFNVpqQTVPRGczTm1SayIsInQiOiJ0WGl5STlvOXZtUUVzUUR4cWplcXJGSTI4NmMwTktlRkNRcnZCbGhmQmc5VCtJQlwvUWtMQW03WW9HT0lmT1YxVUR4Y3lRWEJBcUhvZjRuQ01IRkdlMWFCQm5WUWxDNWJSOUl5K1FmbzRsNGRtSTlEV25IQ3kwQiszT09SbmRFNFIifQ%3D%3D#close-olyticsmodal Adapex is always here to discuss what is best for your business! Contact us!

Google AMP

Mixed Reviews from Publisher’s on AMP…what’s the real deal?

Mixed Reviews from Publisher’s on AMP…what’s the real deal? What is AMP? AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an open-source library that provides a straightforward way to create web pages that load nearly instantaneously for users. In theory, AMP builds on your existing framework and lends flexibility and customization to all layouts and functions. Benefits of …

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Digital Advertising Eclipses $100 Billion For First Time, Per IAB Report

Great news for our publishers from our friends at AdExchanger: Digital ads in the United States accounted for more than $107 billion last year, the first year digital advertising eclipsed $100 billion after totaling $88 billion in 2017, according to the IAB’s annual Internet Advertising Revenue Report. It was a strong year for digital media,…